Engineering, Procurement, & Construction (EPC) Companies + Project Originators
Solaris Energy builds strong relationships with our Project Originator and Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) partners to seamlessly work together in the design and construction of solar energy and battery storage systems for a diverse array of hosts. Solaris is partnered with well-funded investors, ensuring that we get the right financing to fit the project and that our partners are paid consistently. Our in-house asset and project management expertise adds another layer of know-how that allows us to proactively understand and address the needs of our partners in getting our projects across the finish line.
Experienced • Trustworthy • Dedicated
What we CAN do for you:
Connect you with a team experienced in all facets of solar and storage projects
Ensure creative financing solutions (PPAs, tax credit financing, project loans, etc.)
Provide transparent, responsive, and honest communication
Contract negotiation and execution
Process on-time payments to your team
Asset monitoring and maintenance to ensure production estimates are met
Finance a brighter future with a team you can trust to get the job done!
What We Need from you:
When possible, having the following information from our EPC partners upfront makes our initial financial assessment turn​around time much quicker:
System Size
Project Location
Off taker Information
PPA Price Desired
PPA Escalator Desired
PPA Term in Years
Any RECs or other incentives associated with the project
Additional Expenses (Roof/Land Lease, Insurance, Property Taxes, etc.)
To make it easy for you we've developed an intake form that you can download, fill in, and send right back to get your project financing process started:
Don't have all the info listed? No worries, just fill in what you can and we will work together to make the project a reality!